Sunday, November 10, 2013

Werewolf or Vampire?

Now I have always considered my self a "vampire girl". 
Dracula, Barnabas Collins, Angel, Spike, Team Edward and my favorite Collin Farrell, the list goes on.....

Now to be fair werewolves haven’t really been portrayed as the hot sexy, heartthrobs that vampires have been.  

I don’t watch true blood but I have seen Joe Manganiello one of the shows werewolf's. Can we say yummy?
 And there’s a new show premiering in 2014 starring Laura Vandervoort as a werewolf, kinda girl-crush worthy…

Now my friend Dillon insists that werewolves are better than vampires, so when I saw the werewolf beer, I said "why not?  I’ll give it a try."

The beer, Newcastle Werewolf
The brand is owned by Heineken and produced at their 
John Smith's Brewery in Tadcaster, North Yorksire, England.

The initial smell is sweet and Carmely, a little hoppy. However the sweetness does not extend to the taste.

The flavor is buttery and raw. You can taste the rye, which makes it bitter… it is very dry for a fall beer. Now I love bitter and dry so I did enjoy this.
The body is a medium weight . 
                           I liked the taste.
                     But if you are a “girly beer” drinker this is not for you.

Would I buy this again? Yes, at Halloween and if it was in stock. 
While its not a beer I would search out, I would order it if it was on the menu at a bar.

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